NZ Filter Warehouse Limited Water Title 1
NZ Filter Warehouse Limited Water Title
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UV1 KIT - Viqua UV1 under bench UV


Viqua UV1 under bench UV
This Absolute H2O UV is made by Viqua in Canada. Viqua is the worlds largest UV manufacturers including the Trojan and Sterilight brands. This small budget priced UV has 15mm BPS ports and a 240 volt Aussie and NZ power plug without the 365 day countdown. The UV1 unit has a 4 LPM flow rate making it perfect for installation after a inline water filter to provide a bacteria safe water source. Please note we can supply this unit as a 12 volt system for use with Solar, RV and Boats for an extra $80
NZ$ 619.90
NZ$ 492.41 including GST
Purchase Qty:

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